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Metro Noc for Construction in Pune

Metro Noc is must to build the project within the 20 meters of Metro corridors in Pune. Get Metro NOC for Construction in Pune

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Metro NOC for construction in Pune

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Metro NOC for construction in pune

Urban Development Department, Government of Maharashtra Metro Rail has made it mandatory on 23 of April 2018, for planning authorities at pune and nagpur to obtain Noc from MAHA metro before according approval to any redevelopment or construction projects within 20 mtrs of distance from the edge of metro rail on both sides.

Guidelines for issue of NOC for building construction in pune

Well, the pune municipal Corporation, on receipt of an application seeking building permission, will approach Mahametro for the Noc. Likewise, the permission would be granted after checking certain aspects of the project, the followings are the guidelines to be observed and followed to grant the metro Noc

A. Guidelines for metro Noc for Elevated and surface corridor

– Noc will not be issued for construction activities within land boundaries of proposed boundaries of elevated or surface corridor, stations, depots, other building services, ancillary structures and parking etc.

– to rpvide the flexibility at the time of construction, NOC shall not be issued for new construction upto 20 meters on both sides of alignment or all sites of metro stations, depots.

– If any projects falls partly inside and partly outside the aforesaid limit (20 Meters beyond proposed metro structures, then such properties can be cleared only for the portion falling outside the limit of 20 meters of proposed metro stations

– after the finalizing the alignment, there is no scope of change in alignment, NOC can be issued only of proposed construction is 6 meters or more than the edge of metro structure for safety reasons.

B. Guidelines for metro Noc for Underground metro corridor

– Noc will not be issued for construction activity within the land boundaries of proposed underground stations unless such provisions have been made in designs

– to provide the flexibility at the time of construction, NOC shall not be issued for new construction within 20 meters from the edge of the tunne on both sides or land boundaries of the metro stations or other structure on the  sides till the construction activity of metro corridor or metro station  is completed.

– Well, After the completion of metro construction of tunnel or underground structure, the NOC will be issued only if the proposed construction is away by 5 meters or more than from the edge of the tunnel or land boundaries of structures.

Procedure to obtain Metro Noc for construction in pune?

Well, applicant or developer shall submit the application to the planning authority for grant of Metro Noc for the proposed development. Will see the step-by-step process involved to get metro noc

  1. The planning authority shall forward the Noc application to the general manager of planning for grant of Noc.
  2. Planning cell shall scrutinize the documents and drawings asper the checklist and scrutiny report. In addition, planning cell sent the letter for deficiency of documents if they identify the deficiency in the Drawings and documents submitted by the applicants.
  3. This proposal then forwarded to the land cell for checking and acquisition status land requirement.
  4. Likewise this proposal is forwarded to the concerned CPM for site inspection report. If the construction is in progress and affecting metro construction, the concerned CPM will take necessary steps to stop the work. In addition, the CPM will will also report details of ownership and other details. It takes up to 4 working days
  5. With the receipt of CPM Report, the metro noc application will forward to design cell to verify the land requirement on submitted plan by applicant. In addition, design cell will give comments as per safety aspects if any. It takes upto 2 working days
  6. in such process, design cell also suggests the additional information, drawings, and documents required from the applicant for grant of Noc. Likewise, the also suggest the condition for grant of metro noc for construction in pune. Afterwards, planning cell communicates these conditions to the applicant. In addition, planning cell may ask to applicant to submit the notarized undertaking accepting abide by the conditions stipulated by the maha metro. Usually, this process may take upto 7 working days.
  7. Finally, with the receipt of required documents and report from various departments, the proposal shall be submitted by the planning cell to managing director. On the approval of GM or planning will issue the Final Metro Noc for building construction in pune. It takes upto 7 working days

Get Detail Procedure to grant of Metro Noc

The following flowchart shows the procedure followed for Metro Noc


Documents required for the application of Metro Noc

  1. Detailed topographic survey plan showing plot boundary and abutting road by picking up all land boundary points, compound wall, existing gate, existing building, road, metro pillars locations, electric and telephone poles, trees, structure details etc.
  2. List of surveyed site elevation and WGS 84 Site Coordinates (Easting and northing)
  3. Soft copy of plans in DWG format (AutoCad) along with site coordinates in topographic survey plan mentioned at point no 1. (1 CD)
  4. Building plans for all floors. Coloured Hard copies in scale 1: 500. (3 coloured copies)
  5. Cross section through buildings of proposed development (highlighting any measures taken to avoid additional stress of the development on structures, both temporary and permanent – Hard copy & CAD File.
  6. Applicants consent to access the proposed site by Maha Metro officials as and when required. (FORM IV)
  7. Structural Certificate from the Structural Engineer. (FORM V)
  8. Whether the License Surveyor’s Report is attached or not. (FORM III)
  9. Site photographs

What are the documents required for the renewal of Metro Noc?

The following checklist  of documents is required while applying for the renewal of metro noc for building construction in pune

  1. As-built drawing of building
  2. Foundation layout and section
  3. Status of construction and expected date of completion
  4. Highlights if there are any changes in design after issuance of previous NOC
  5. Drawings and design calculations for any changes
  6. Current stage site photographs
  7. If there are no changes in design for which NOC was issued previously, designer should include a certificate stating that the designs for which Noc was obtained have not been changed

What is the validity of Metro Noc?

Metro noc shall be valid for a period of three years from the date of issue. Likewise, it is needs to be renewed / revalidated till the completion of construction of pune metro project or till the occupancy certificate of the building under reference is issued whichever is earlier.

How much time does it takes to get the metro noc for construction?

Well, Metro Noc applications may takes long from various department. As this process to get the metro noc is quiet lengthy. In general, it takes upto 19 working days to get the metro noc for construction.

What if the applicant wants to use tower crane for the proposed development on the plot?

If the a if the applicant wants to use tower crane for the proposed development on the plot, then the working arm of the crane should not come within 5 meters from Metro via duct and also the working arm of the crane should not come over the metro station.

Click here to get Highway Noc in Pune


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