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Highway Noc for Building construction

Apply for Highway NOC in Pune from Authorities for construction near approach road.

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Highway Noc for Building Construction

The government of Maharashtra has set up a committee to formulate guidelines for permitting buildings near district, state and national highways in Maharashtra. For instance, factories, commercial centres, or residential complexes abutting to the road are coming under the jurisdiction of public works department(PWD). Well, proposals of highway Noc for building construction are required to send to PWD. Moreover, if the said proposal found suitable, the chief engineer grants the permission for the Highway Noc.

Guidelines for Noc from Highway Authorities

Union Ministry of surface transport have set the some guidelines to issue the Highway Noc. Tentatively, guidelines will be as follows-

a.       Guidelines for Highway Noc for building near National Highway

The buildings on national highway should be located at distance 3 to 6 meters from the national highway.

b.      Guidelines for Highway Noc for building near Expressway

Well, the buildings on expressway, should be located at a distance of 15 meters from an expressway. For instance, the distance between, the center of the road and building will be 60 meters.

c.      Guidelines for Highway Noc for building near State Highway

The buildings on state highway should be located at a distance of 4.5 meters from the state highway. For instance, the distance between, the center of the road and building will be 20 metres.

d.     Guidelines for Highway Noc for building near District Highway

The buildings on state highway should be located at a distance of 4.5 meters from the district highway. For instance, the distance between, the center of the road and building will be 15 meters.

Documents Required for Highway Noc

Well, to apply for the Highway Noc for the construction work, it is mandatory to make an application in prescribed formats. Followings are the documents required to applying while Noc from highway authorities.

a.       Application from Owner

b.       Plot Ownership Documents. (for Eg., Property Card, 7/12 Extract, Demarcation Etc.)

c.       Non Agriculture Land Noc from Revenue Department. (NA Noc)

d.       Village Map

(Showing Survey number in which the said property is located)

e.       Index Plan / Key Plan

f.        Layout Plan which shows the details of proposed approach road, details of construction etc.

g.       Cross section of approach road.

h.       Existing access plan

i.         Drainage arrangement plans at approach road.

j.         Detail plan of C. D. works and trap drain with cross section

k.       Section of Arterial road for 300 meters on either side of proposed access road

Highways in Maharashtra

Well, without permission from the highway authorities, no one is allowed to construct near highways. Further, in Maharahstra there are 262 state highways and over 25 national highways pass through the state. In addition, the national highways includes, NH 930, NH 848 B, NH 753, NH 753A, NH 753B, NH 150, NH 160, NH 166A, AN 44, NH 47, MH 48, NH 52, NH 53, NH 548, NH 3, NH 348, NH 360, NH 631, NH 6, NH 60, NH 61, NH 63, NH 65 and NH 66 ETC. Click here to get list of Highways in Maharashtra

FAQ Related Highway Noc in Maharashtra

1.      How much distance do I need for construction near a national highway in Maharashtra?

The Minimum distance between the national highway and house is the 3 m and for commercial projects it is 6 m.

2.      Who takes decision on the application of Noc of national highway?

Eventually, decisions on the application of the noc of national highway is generally taken by The Chief Engineer of Public works region ministry of transport.

3.     Is NHAI under MORTH?

The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) was constituted by an act of parliament in 1988 under the administrative control of the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (Morth). NHAI has been set up as a Central Authority to develop, maintain and manage the national Highways entrusted to it by the government of India. Click here to get circulars and notification from MORTH 

4.      What is road margin?

Road margins are the various cross sectional elements of the road except the carriageway or pavement width.

5.      How much distance do I need for construction near a state highway in india?

The buildings on state highway should be located at a distance of 4.5 meters from the state highway. For instance, the distance between, the centre of the road and building will be 20 meters. Click here to apply for Building Permission in Pune

6.      How far from the national highway can I build a house?

The construction of the building should not be allowed from the center line of any road on national and provincial highways in open and agriculture areas 75 feet and in urban and industrial areas 60 feet.  

7.      What is building line in highway?

The Building Line refers to the front line up to which the building lawfully extends. For instance, building line is also called as set – back or front building line.



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