Drainage NOC in Pune
Get Drainage NOC in Pune. Quick process at lowest cost
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Services Related to Drainage NOC

Drainage NOC
Get Drainage NOC for Building Completion from Planning authority

Drainage Connection
New drainage connection for your plot in Pune

Plumbing Connection
Design Drainage and Plumbing for your building
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Drainage NOC
Well, to get the authorized building permission for any construction like residential, commercial or industrial it is mandate to obtain the drainage NOC. Whereas, drainage connection permission is given by the drainage department.Â
Where and how do I apply to get drainage connection permission?
Application for new drainage connection can be submitted online. In addition, application for new drainage connection with the complete set of documents can be submitted to the City engineer of sewerage department through Licensed plumber. In the same vein, the site visit is done by the DY engineer of Drainage department of ward / Zonal office. Likewise, Â approval for drainage connection is given by the same after the further process.
Documents required for Drainage NOC for building Construction in Pune
Well, the following documents are required to attached with the application to get the drainage connection for the building permission as
1.    Copy of the licensed plumber
2.    Property Tax NOC
3.    Ownership Documents Like PRC, 7/12 extract
4.    Plan for Drainage connection with site Plan
5.    Attested Copies of commencement plan
6.    Four copies of Sanction Plan attested
7.    NOC for Grah Rachana Society (if Society)
Document required for obtaining NOC from drainage department for building completion certificate?
The following documents are required to attached with the application while getting the completion certificate for building –
1.    Copy of the licensed plumber
2.    Property Tax NOC
3.    Ownership Documents Like PRC, 7/12 extract
4.    Commencement Certificate
5.    Four copies of Sanction Plan attested
6.    NOC for Grah Rachana Society (if Society)
Time Required to get the Drainage NOC?
The Drainage NOC may issue online within 15 to 20 days from the receipt of application.
Where and how should I submit application to get drainage NOC for Building permission?
The application for Drainage NOC shall be submitted through licensed plumber or architect. In the same vein, Application can be submitted online also at https://pmc.gov.in/en.
What are the Charges applicable to get the drainage connection?
Well, The drainage connection charges shall be pay by the challan at relevant Ward office. Whereas, charges for the drainage connection road cutting like – Concrete, tar road, footpath, etc, will see it as follows –
- Drainage Connection Charges – Rs 225/-
- Development Charges for –
- Residential use – Rs. 1000/-
- Commercial Use – Rs. 10,000/-
- Residential and Commerc ial Use – Rs. 5000/-
- Industrial Use – Rs. 25,000/-
- Road Excavation Rs. 2600/- per running meter (For Tar and Concrete Road, Pavement and footpaths)
- Soil or Murmur Road excavation Rs. 750/- per running meter
Where can I make complaint about drainage line choke up or repairs to drainage chamber?
The complaints about the drainage line choke up or repairs to the drainage chamber up to 450MM diameter drainage lines shall be made to DY Engineer of Sewage department at respective ward office. Likewise, complaints above 600mm diameter drainage lines shall be made to Executive engineer of sewage department.