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Gunthewari Certificate in Pune

Get Gunthewari Cerrtificate in pune as per gunthewari regularisation act

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Know more Gunthewari Development Act in Maharashtra

 Well, there was a tendency to form plots unauthorizedly by subdividing private lands and transfer them to needy persons for the construction of dwelling units. Since these subdivisions are usually in multiples of a guntha so, such developments are referred to as Gunthewari developments. In the same vein, “Gunthewari development” is a plot formed by unauthorizedly sub-dividing privately owned land, with buildings, if any, on such plots, including excess vacant land under the Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act, 1976, not vested in the State Government, but excluding land under encroachment.

Why Gunthewari Development’s cause?

Gunthewari developments are unlawful and there is an obvious need to curb such development, it has at the same time, to be appreciated that is neither practicable nor desirable to demolish on a mass scale the old and long existing construction, made on such plots. As because of, the formal housing market has failed to meet the demands of economically weaker sections of the society for shelter in terms of both quantity and price. Likewise, Gunthewari developments are a form of informal housing and have to be viewed as a positive response. However, flawed and imperfect, of the common people to meet their shelter needs.

Well, This is now widely recognized and several States have announced policies for curbing further unauthorized developments of this kind on the one hand and regularizing and upgrading those that already long exist. Finally, The Bill embodies set of measures in line with this perception of Gunthewari developments is so far as Maharashtra is concerned.

Procedure for regularization of Gunthewari Construction

The concerned plot-holder shall apply for regularization of Gunthewari development  within a period of six months from the date of the coming into force of the act or such extended time as the Planning Authority may permit. Likewise, the Planning Authority shall scrutinize the case for fulfillment of the stipulated requirements laid down under the gunthewari act. Subsequently, it will includes proof of actual rectification of uncompoundable infringements, after that the authority will  issue a certificate of regularization if satisfied on all these counts.

Documents required for gunthewari scheme regularization

The following documents are required to obtain gunthewari certificate in pune

(a) documentary proof of ownership or lawful possession of the plot (Eg. 7/12 Extract, Mojani etc.)

(b)Tax noc before 31/12/022 / or electricity bill

(c)existing layout plan

(d) plan of existing construction on such plot

(e) rectification plan

(f) an undertaking by the applicant to rectify uncompoundable infringements

(g) demand draft, drawn on any scheduled bank to cover the amount due as compounding fee and development charge

(e) Structural Stability Certificate

(f) Water Noc

(g) Drainage Noc

(h) Google & Prime Move Map

(i) Demarcation / Private Survey

(j) Elevation Certificate

(k) Site Photos


Gunthewari of Plots and Construction in the following indicated areas can not be Regularized

Building construction on Bio diversity parks, red zone, hill top, hill slope, green zone, agriculture zone, non-development zone, reservation, development plan road, government land and river basin will not be regularized. Likewise, partial construction will not be regularized. In addition, if the original permissible floor space index is as 1.1 and if the construction is more than the total permissible floor space index, then the entire such construction will not be eligible for Gunthewari regularization. 

Where does Gunthewari development acts apply?

Gunthewari acts extends to the whole of the State of Maharashtra

Fees Required for Gunthewari certificate

The charges for Gunthewari regularization is accruing to the planning authority on account of compounding fee shall be kept by the planning authority is a separate head of account, and layout wise and utilised for providing on site infrastructure (other than electricity supply) in layout. Whereas the charges for gunthewari regularization is yet not declared, it will confirm once the act starts.

Various types of Gunthewari regularization

Gunthewari can be done for the various types, for example, it can be done of the open land, flats and buildings

Advantages of Gunthewari Scheme 

Well, The State Government has decided that, to regularize Gunthewari Schemes till 31st December 2020. In the same vein, Gunthewari will bring the following advantages to the citizens

  1. You can Sold your property.
  2. Property gets the form of legal ownership
  3. Irregular constructions will be regulated
  4. Future sale and purchase transactions of the plots / constructions will attain authorized status due to authorization as well as regularization of the construction
  5. The citizens will be benefitted as the tax will be levied at a uniform single rate.
  6. The amount  recovered for regularizing gunthewari construction will be expended to provide roads, water, drainage and other civic amenities in the area.
  7. However, if the applications for regularization of such construction / plots are not submitted within the stipulated time period, strict action is bound to be taken as per the government instructions. This means that if this opportunity is missed, they will have to face tough action in future.


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